Sunday, January 30, 2011

A solid week of running

So last night I blew my own mind by running my farthest distance yet...12.1 miles. Even more earth-shattering was the fact that I averaged a 7:56 pace. Holy hell where did that come from? This was big confidence boost to my goal of running somewhere around 1:50 in Palm Springs in 2 weeks.

Also, I've hit a new low of 173.2 pounds. Yay.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First really long ride is in the books

After picking up a trainer this week, I did a couple short (hour-ish) rides in the house, with the hope of getting a weekend long ride in.   Rode the San Gabriel River Trail 35 miles up to the top of the Santa Fe Dam, ate my Clif Bar, and rode home.  Took me a hair over 4 hours averaging 17.2 mph.   I probably could have gone faster if not for the Santa Anas that started blowing.  I realize that I'm just going to have to get used to doing these long rides....but so far they are definitely my least favorite part of training,  I just don't like having to spend that much time on the bike.

All in all it was a pretty good training week considering my hurt back the first few days.

Week totals:
Swim:   4500 yards
Bike: 110 miles
Run:  10

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dang I'm beat....

Started the day off with a 5 mile run pushing Avery in the jogging stroller.  Then Lisa came home early so I was able to head to the pool.   Ran 2.5 miles down to the Belmont.  Did three 500yd sets at around an 8:30 pace, then did a set of 5x100 to get the last 500yards in.  Times hovered in the 1:35/100 range.   Pretty happy with that considering it was only my second time in the pool in a few months.  The run home was kind of a chore.  The Wahoos blackened fish bowl with double fish made me feel a whole lot better.  :)   All that cardio is keeping me safely below my caloric limit for the day.  Awesome.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weight loss: phase 2

I lost 25 pounds during my first round of training.   Went from 208 to where I leveled off at 181-183.  This was almost exclusively from s/b/r and no real changes in diet.   I have two immediate goals for my weight:

1.  Get down to the 155-160 range for my "race weight" in June and CdA
2.  Have a great looking body for our trip to the Big Island in April.

Starting last Sunday, I weighed in at 181.  I downloaded the Livestrong calorie counting app to my iPhone, and have been using that religiously for the past few days.   It's set to have me lose 2 pounds a week, and I need to net 1700 calories a day to do that.   It's a pretty cool app with a HUGE list of restaurants, grocery stores and food items and also any workouts I do. I take the time to measure out each serving, and it keeps a running tally for me.  I love it.  It's actually not hard to stay within those limits, as long as get a hold of my after-the-kids-go-to-bed snack cravings.   3 days far so good.  Stepped on the scale today to see the lowest number I've seen in probably 15 years.

Welcome to my world...

Here we go.....
I plan to use this blog to verbalize my thoughts on what I experience during my training and racing of triathlons while being a kept husband, homemmaker, and father of three.  Get ready to be bored!